İsmail Sarıkaya

About Me

I am a Full Stack Senior .NET Software Developer with 15 years of commercial experience. I have worked in several industries, including FinTech, Accounting, Healthtech, and Payment systems. Using modern technologies, I write elegant, safe, robust, and scalable code. I studied Computer Technology and Programming in the university.

My areas of interest include software development, database design and administration, and full-stack web development.

I speak English and Turkish fluently. I am married and father of two lovely sons.

What I Do

International Contractor

I can work by hour, day, week or month per price. I am open for any option that best fits with your company and needs. I am all responsible for any taxes when you pay me. I live in Turkey and I can only work fully-remote.

Please go to Contract page and let's work together.


Many years I wrote C#, mostly for desktop, mvc web and rarely Xamarin. I generally use C# at backend works. But in new projects I am using Nodejs and considering to leave C# forever.


In 2015, I switched to web environment starting by Asp.Net Mvc, Bootstrap, css, JavaScript and JQuery then it followed through .Net Core.

In 2017, I started to work with Angular 2 and TypeScript. From that time, Angular is my first choice for web apps.


Most of projects of mine are using relational databases. I used MS Sql Server, MySql, Postgres, SqLite. I created complex queries, triggers, stored procedures, cursors etc. Dapper, Entity Framework and Ado.Net helped me at backend side. I worked both db first and code first approach.

Bug fixing

I am good at finding and fixing bugs when nobody is eager to fix it. I am cold-blooded and always find a way to solve the problem. I have been involved several various projects over a decade.

If bug is related to my field, I can handle it. If not, I find someone to give me some info. I have a great friend network who love to code.

Infrastructure and Architecture

I designed several infrastructure from scratch. I make sure it is simple, extensible, maintainable and low cost(time, money and staff).

I use design patterns like repository, event-driven, single responsibility. I develop softwares in borders of SOLID.


I have been working with these tools:

TFS, Svn, Git, Jenkins, Npm, Nuget, Jira, Swagger.

I can work with smiliar tools easily that not listed above.

Fun Facts









2021 - Currently

International Contractor

  • Developed and maintained two systems for trading bots of cryptocurrency for an Austrian company.
  • For a Swedish company, developed a booking system from scratch that consist of database, microservice backend, RabbitMQ and Angular frontend.
  • Worked as CTO for a German company.
  • Developed some modules of a survey project for a Danish company.

Technologies: C#, .Net Framework, .Net Core, Angular, TypeScript, Asp.Net, RestApi, JavaScript, jQuery, Redis, RabbitMQ, Stompjs, Ms Sql Server, Entity Framework, Dapper, Postgres, MongoDb, Css, Bootstrap, GitHub, Svn, Jenkins, Jira, Postman, Swagger, Stripe, NSwag.

2019 - 2020
VHS Electronics

Lead Software Developer

  • Designed, developed, and implemented the subscription management software for the company, which created invoices for indexes read from devices.
  • Led a team of developers in developing and maintaining software products and applications.
  • Participated in the entire software development life cycle from requirements gathering, design, development, testing, and deployment.
  • Worked with the team to identify and resolve any technical issues and ensured the timely delivery of software solutions.
  • Conducted code reviews and ensured compliance with coding standards.
  • Trained and mentored junior developers on software development best practices and emerging technologies.

Technologies: C#, .Net Framework, .Net Core, Angular, TypeScript, Asp.Net, RestApi, JavaScript, jQuery, Redis, RabbitMQ, Stompjs, Ms Sql Server, Entity Framework, Dapper, ModBus, CanBus, IoT, Postgres, Css, Bootstrap, GitHub, Svn, Jenkins, Jira, Postman, Swagger.

2018 - 2019
Elmasium (Start-up)


Started my second start-up that is an accounting, sales and order system. System can be used both for individual and commercial purposes. Users can create and send invoices each other. So shop owners can make retail sales and receive orders while end users order products or foods.

Technologies: C#, Angular, TypeScript, Ms Sql Server, Dapper, Web Socket, RestApi, Css, Bootstrap, Xamarin, Postman, TFS, Git.

Senior Software Developer

  • Developed web app 'Isetia', which is currently used by many companies (like Oman Gas, Dubai Metro) worldwide.
  • Led the development team and managed project timelines and tasks Participating in the design and architecture of the Isetia web app
  • Developing and implementing new features and functionalities for the app using various technologies.
  • Testing and debugging code to ensure high-quality software delivery.
  • Collaborating with clients to gather requirements and provide progress updates.
  • Providing technical expertise and support to clients as needed.
  • Maintaining and improving the performance of the Isetia web app over time.

Technologies: C#, Asp.Net, Angular, TypeScript, Ms Sql Server, Entity Framework, Web Socket, JavaScript, JQuery, RestApi, Css, Bootstrap, TFS, Git, Jenkins.

2014 - 2017

Senior Software Developer

  • Developed and maintained desktop applications and services that communicated with various devices via TCP sockets, RS-232, and USB, such as fingerprint readers, banknote readers, coin acceptors, Mifare readers, and credit card embossing machines.
  • Developed ASP.NET web applications that enabled online payment and worked with many Turkish banks for virtual POS.
  • Designed, developed, and deployed web-based applications that use various technologies, including AngularJS, ReactJS, Node.js, and ASP.NET.
  • Worked closely with product managers and clients to understand their requirements and provided technical solutions accordingly.
  • Mentored junior developers and conducted code reviews to ensure code quality and consistency.

Technologies: C#, Asp.Net, JavaScript, JQuery, Css, Bootstrap, Ms Sql Server, DevExpress, Tcp Socket, Usb Hid, RS-232, TFS, SVN, Soap, RestApi, WCF, Entity Framework, Wpf, SqLite, IoT.

Senior Software Developer

  • Developed a pharmacy desktop app to solve the needs of a pharmacy shop, including accounting and retail modules.
  • Analyzing user requirements and designing software solutions to meet those requirements Developing software applications using programming languages and frameworks such as .NET, C#, and SQL.
  • Collaborating with team members to ensure software projects are completed on time and within budget
  • Conducting code reviews to ensure code quality and adherence to coding standards
  • Testing and debugging software applications to identify and resolve issues
  • Providing technical support and assistance to end-users to resolve software-related issues
  • Creating and maintaining software documentation to ensure clear communication of software features and functionality.

Technologies: C#, Ms Sql Server, DevExpress, RS-232, TFS, Soap, RestApi.

2011 - 2013
Mavi Elmas Software

Company Owner

  • Founded Mavi Elmas Software at Erciyes University Technopark as a software development company that provides desktop applications for retail shops and automotive services.
  • Developed a desktop application for retail shops, including inventory management, sales management, and accounting modules.
  • Developed a desktop application for automotive services, including service management, customer management, and inventory management modules.
  • Responsible for managing business operations and collaborating with clients to gather requirements and deliver high-quality software solutions.

Technologies: C#, Ms Sql Server, DevExpress, RS-232, Ado.Net, Wpf, Tcp Socket.

2008 - 2010
Nar Teknoloji

Software Developer

  • Developed software communicating with devices via TCP socket, rs-232, and USB port.
  • Developed desktop applications that communicate with various devices using different communication protocols.
  • Worked on software projects for multiple clients.
  • Collaborated with other developers to design and develop software solutions.
  • Debugged and fixed issues in existing software applications.
  • Participated in code reviews to ensure the quality of the codebase.

Technologies: C#, Visual Basic, Ms Sql Server, Tcp Socket, LLRP, RS-232, Usb Hid, DevExpress, Wpf, Asp Web Forms.


2004 - 2008

Computer Technology and Programming

Bolu Abant Izzet Baysal University / Turkey

Domain Knowledge

Crypto-Currency and Exchanges


FinTech and Accounting


Payment Systems


Retail Sales


Subsription Management


Membership Management


Access Control






Coding Skills



Angular and TypeScript


Relational Databases






WinForms, WinService and Wpf










Personal Attributes

  • Team Player
  • Leader
  • Highly Adaptive
  • Cold-blooded
  • Good Communication
  • Problem-Solving
  • Responsible
  • Punctual


Trading Bot Solutions 2021 - 2021

I had two main duties here. One is maintaining existing software and fix bugs. Other thing is to re-develop the whole system from scratch. The new version has not been published yet but I designed it by using micro service architecture. System can process signal then make crypto trades in accordance of preferences that user set up.

All services(apps) communicate each other by using RabbitMQ. There are two databases: Ms Sql Server and Redis.
The whole system is highly scalable that can process thousands of requests at the same time and easy to maintain the code.
There are also apps were written for creating candles and indicator to produce internal signals.

Parts of system: RestApi, WebApp, SchedulerApp, RedisManager, ProcessorApp, CandleCreatorApp, PriceChangeApp and too many other projects that work with apps.

Technologies: C#, MicroServices, Ms Sql Server, Angular, VueJs, Blazor, RabbitMQ, Redis, Quartz.Net, ExchangeSharp, Intercom.

GitHub: Private

Elmasium 2018 - 2019

I designed and coded alone the whole project. It is an online accounting, sales and order system. It was developed based on Saas architecture and consists of several parts.

Parts of system: RestApi, WebApp, MobileApp, Sms service, Mail Service, WebSocket service.

Technologies: C#, Ms Sql Server, Angular, WebSocket.
No longer sales and support.

School Dining Hall 2014 - 2016

It was a project that consists of web and a desktop kiosk app for students and university staff be able to load money on thier mifare cards and then they can use it in dining halls or in cafeterias.

I wrote this in a company. Over 20+ universities in Turkey are currently using this system right now. I developed whole web app and 70% of kiosk app.

Technologies: C#, Ms Sql Server, SqLite, Tcp Socket, Asp.Net Mvc, DevExpress, Entity Framework, Xml web services.

Pharmacy 2013 - 2014

I designed and coded alone the whole project in a company. It was a desktop app that solves every need in a pharmacy including accounting and retail.

Technologies: C#, Ms Sql Server, DevExpress, Entity Framework, Xml web services.

AutoIndustry 2013 - 2013

I designed, coded and sold alone the whole product. It was a automotive service program and also including accounting. It was a end to end solution so users could create workorders, send them to servicemen.

Technologies: C#, MySql, Devexprees, MySql.
No longer sales and support.

Shop Retail Program 2011 - 2012

I developed a desktop retail app for shops. Then I started my company in Erciyes University Technopark. Retail sales, printing receipts and barcodes for products were able to be done in the program.

Technologies: C#, Ms Sql Server, Devexprees.
No longer sales and support.

Smart Campus 2008 - 2010

It was designed to manage all circulation(both vehicle and staff/students) in a school campus. It consists of mifare and passive tags. Mifare cards were used for people and passive tags(rfid) were used for cars.

Technologies: C#, Ms Sql Server, Tcp Socket, LLRP, DevExprees.
No longer sales and support.
